SafePal AMA with Binance France Community Recap


July 31 2020

Our CEO Veronica attended an AMA with the Binance France Community providing the latest updates and information regarding the SafePal S1 Cryptocurrency hardware wallet. She also shared information about wallet usage and protection. Please review the Recap of the AMA event and follow us on Twitter for more updates.


FiFo (Binance Angel) đŸ‡«đŸ‡·đŸ‡Č🇩, 

For this first part of our AMA, I’ll ask you some questions so our community can understand your project better. Fr: Dans cette premiĂšre partie, je vous poserai des questions afin de vous donner l’occasion de prĂ©senter votre projet Ă  notre communautĂ©.

Veronica Wong, 

Bonsoir. Merci de m’accueillir ici aujourd’hui. Sounds good! Ça m’a l’air bien

FiFo (Binance Angel) đŸ‡«đŸ‡·đŸ‡Č🇩, 

C’est un grand honneur Veronica 😊. Let’s start with my 1st question Please share with us some information about SafePal? What is SafePal? Fr: Qu’est-ce que SafePal ? Pouvez-vous nous donner plus d’informations ?

Veronica Wong, 

SafePal is a cryptocurrency wallet that aims to make crypto secure and simple for everyone. It is the first hardware wallet invested by Binance, and now provides SafePal S1 hardware and SafePal software wallet for all crypto users to secure, manage, buy, swap, and trade crypto conveniently. SafePal has now supported 19 blockchains and more than 10,000 cryptocurrencies including BTC, ETH, LTC, and BNB. For further details, welcome to visit

FiFo (Binance Angel) đŸ‡«đŸ‡·đŸ‡Č🇩, 

Traduction : Safepal est un portefeuille de cryptomonnaies qui a pour vocation de sĂ©curiser les cryptomonnaies pour tout le monde et en faciliter l’accĂšs. Il s’agit du 1er hardware portefeuille dont Binance a fait l’acquisition, and qui fournit aujourd’hui SafePal S1 ainsi que le logiciel Safepal pour tous les utilisateurs de cryptomonnaies. L’objectif Ă©tant de permettre aux utilisateurs de sĂ©curiser, gĂ©rer, acheter, et Ă©changer des cryptomonnaies de maniĂšre simple. A ce jour, SafePal supporte 19 blockchains et plus de 10 000 cryptomonnaies telles que BTC, ETH, LTC et BNB. Pour plus d’informations, je vous invite Ă  visiter
Thank you, Veronica, for this brief introduction 🙏

FiFo (Binance Angel) đŸ‡«đŸ‡·đŸ‡Č🇩, 

Why did the team decide to create the SafePal S1 Wallet? 
Fr: Pourquoi avez-vous décidé de créer SafePal S1 Wallet ?

Veronica Wong,

I used to work in the security department of an IT company for 7 years. The word ‘Bitcoin’ came to me in 2015, when I first read the bitcoin white paper. It has blown me away. But it was not until 2017, when we witnessed the huge success of cryptokitties, and the ICO boom that we found that cryptocurrency is no the only application of blockchain, and there are more potential than that, such as gaming, tokenization and more. That was how I ended up joining in the blockchain space and decided to do something useful in it. That’s how we started SafePal.
We decided to build a cryptocurrency wallet, especially started as a hardware wallet, because of two reasons.

Firstly, in our view, a wallet is one of the most important infrastructures in the blockchain ecosystem. The value built upon blockchain is not limited to cryptocurrency. A broader concept of crypto asset includes cryptocurrency, and also more forms and types of value such as real asset tokenization, and personal data on-chain monetization. In the longer term of the future, users in the crypto space need a united, secure, and user-friendly interface to interact with the blockchains. In such a scenario, the wallet is obviously one of the most important tools for this interface. Wallet, in our eyes, is not just a tool to keep our cryptocurrency, but more importantly, a carrier of our private key, and a bridge between users and blockchains.

On the other hand, though crypto adoption is continuously increasing as time goes by, this market segment still has great potential with less than 1% penetration from the whole internet market. Under this huge potential, we still see a lot of unsolved problems in the crypto custodian market segment. The existing hardware wallets are relatively difficult for crypto beginners, and the pricing is much higher, while software wallets are vulnerable to cyber-attacks which could cause major asset loss.

Considering the importance of wallet as the key infrastructure of the blockchain ecosystem, and the current pain points in the wallet segment, we decided to build a secure, user-friendly, and accessible wallet from the crypto masses.

FiFo (Binance Angel) đŸ‡«đŸ‡·đŸ‡Č🇩, 

Traduction : J’ai travaillĂ© 7 ans par le passĂ©, au sein du dĂ©partement SĂ©curitĂ© d’une entreprises IT. J’ai pour la premiĂšre fois dĂ©couvert le nom « Bitcoin » en 2015, aprĂšs lecture de livre blanc. Cela m’a profondĂ©ment marquĂ©. Mais ce n’est qu’en 2017, aprĂšs que nous ayons avons constatĂ© le grand succĂšs des CryptoKities, et le boom des ICO, que nous avons dĂ©couvert que les cryptomonnaies ne sont pas les seules applications possibles de la blockchain et qu’il en y avaient beaucoup d’autres comme les jeux, la tokenization
 C’est ainsi que j’ai fini par rejoindre l’industrie Blockchain and dĂ©cidĂ© de faire quelque chose d’utile. C’est ainsi que nous avons dĂ©butĂ© l’aventure SafePal.

Nous avons dĂ©cidĂ© de crĂ©er un portefeuille de cryptomonnaies, spĂ©cialement hardware, pour deux raisons. 

PremiĂšrement, de notre point de vue, les portefeuilles numĂ©riques sont une des plus importantes infrastructures dans l’écosystĂšme Blockchain. La valeur crĂ©Ă©e au sein de la blockchain n’est pas limitĂ©e aux cryptomonnaies. Un plus large aspect des actifs crypto comprend les cryptomonnaies, mais Ă©galement d’autres formes et types de valeurs telles que la tokenization des actifs rĂ©els (physique), la monĂ©tisation des donnĂ©es personnelles onchain. Dans un plus long term, les utilisateurs ont besoin d’une interface unifiĂ©e, sĂ©curisĂ©e et facile d’utilisation afin d’interagir avec les blockchains. Dans un tel scĂ©nario, les portefeuilles numĂ©riques sont Ă©videmment un des outils les plus importants pour cette interface. Ils sont selon nous, non seulement un outil de prĂ©servation des cryptomonnaies, mais surtout, ils permettent de contenir les clĂ©s privĂ©es and de crĂ©er un pont entre les utilisateurs et la blockchain. 

D’un autre cĂŽtĂ©, bien que l’adoption des cryptomonnaies soit en constrante Ă©volution, ce segment de marchĂ© a encore prĂ©sente encore beaucoup de potentiel, avec moins de 1% de pĂ©nĂ©tration pour l’ensemble du marchĂ© internet. Ainsi, malgrĂ© ce potentiel Ă©norme, nous constatons toujours beaucoup de problĂšmes non rĂ©solus sur le marchĂ© de la conservation des crypto. Les Portefeuilles numĂ©rique physiques existants sont en gĂ©nĂ©ral difficiles d’utilisation pour les non initiĂ©s et coĂ»teux, tandis que les logiciels/applications de portefeuilles numĂ©riques restent vulnĂ©rables et sujets aux cyber attaques, ce qui pourrait engendrer des pertes importantes. 

ConsidĂ©rant ainsi les portefeuilles comme d’importance primordiale dans l’écosystĂšme Blockchain, nous avons dĂ©cidĂ© de crĂ©er un portefeuille sĂ©curisĂ©, accessible et facile d’utilisation pour tous.

I sincerely love and respect crypto/blockchain projects that are aiming to help mass adoption.

FiFo (Binance Angel) đŸ‡«đŸ‡·đŸ‡Č🇩, 

Now let’s move to our 3rd question 🙂

😊 Why do people in the crypto industry need a crypto hardware wallet?
Fr: Pourquoi avons-nous besoin d’un portefeuille de cryptomonnaies physique ?

Veronica Wong, 

The essence of owning crypto asset is the ownership of the private key. Making sure that the private key is isolated from any potential threat or malicious attack is the most important task that every crypto user will face with. Compared to any wallet App or software wallet, hardware wallet is keeping the private key in an offline and isolated manner, thus protecting the private key from any online remote attacks. I think no matter when a user enters the crypto space and how many cryptocurrencies this user might own, it’s always important for him/her to get a hardware wallet first to better protect their crypto assets.

FiFo (Binance Angel) đŸ‡«đŸ‡·đŸ‡Č🇩, 

Traduction : DĂ©tenir ses cryptomonnaies, c’est avant tout avoir le contrĂŽle de sa clĂ© privĂ©e. S’assurer que la clĂ© privĂ©e est isolĂ©e de potentielles menaces ou attaques malicieuses, est une des tĂąches les plus importantes que les utilisateurs ont Ă  faire face. En comparaison avec une application mobile ou un logiciel, un portefeuille numĂ©rique physique permet de maintenir les clĂ©s privĂ©es dans un environnement non connectĂ©, et isolĂ©, protĂ©geant ainsi la clĂ© privĂ©e d’une quelconque attaque Ă  distance. Je pense que, peu importe la date d’entrĂ©e dans les crypto ou le montant de crypto dĂ©tenues, il est toujours important pour l’utilisateur de se procurer un portefeuille physique afin de mieux protĂ©ger ses actifs.

FiFo (Binance Angel) đŸ‡«đŸ‡·đŸ‡Č🇩, 

So, what’s the difference between a cold and hot wallet? There are so many free app wallets why not just use one of those?
Fr: Quelle diffĂ©rence y-a-t-il entre un « hot » portefeuille et « cold » portefeuille ? Il existe tant d’applications gratuites, pourquoi ne pas utiliser l’une d’entre elles ?

Veronica Wong, 

Very good question! This is the most popular question that we are asked by our users.

The biggest difference between a cold wallet(aka hardware wallet) and a hot wallet(aka software wallet) is where your private key is stored. On the software wallet, the private key could either be kept in the local memory of your mobile device, or the cloud-end of the wallet developer. While the mobile device is usually connected to the internet, keeping the private key in the software wallet could expose the key to the cyber world, causing potential attacks from the remote hackers. For hardware wallet, the private key is stored in an offline and isolated hardware device, which isn’t connected to any external internet environment. This can effectively protect the private key from malicious remote attacks, such as virus attacks and malicious extension attacks. I think it’s important for every crypto user to own one hardware wallet for the sake of the asset security.

FiFo (Binance Angel) đŸ‡«đŸ‡·đŸ‡Č🇩,

Traduction : La diffĂ©rence la plus importante entre un cold wallet (portefeuille physique) et un hot wallet (Application/Logiciel) rĂ©side dans la conservation de la clĂ© privĂ©e. Dans un portefeuille application/logiciel, la clĂ© privĂ©e pourrait ĂȘtre soit conservĂ©e localement sur votre appareil mobile, soit sur le cloud du dĂ©veloppeur du wallet. Étant donnĂ© que l’appareil mobile est d’habitude connectĂ© Ă  internet de maniĂšre constante, conserver la clĂ© privĂ©e sur l’appareil mobile pourrait l’exposer au monde cybernĂ©tique, causant ainsi des attaques potentielles de la part des Hackers Ă  distance. Ce qui n’est pas le cas des portefeuilles numĂ©riques physiques. Ainsi, la clĂ© privĂ©e est conservĂ©e dans un appareil isolĂ© et non connectĂ© Ă  aucun environnement externe sur internet. Ceci peut donc protĂ©ger efficacement la clĂ© privĂ©e d’attaques malicieuses Ă  distance, comme des virus ou extensions. Je pense qu’il est trĂšs important pour tout utilisateur crypto de dĂ©tenir 1 ou 2 portefeuilles physiques dans le but de sĂ©curiser ses actifs.

Thank you Veronica for pointing out this major difference between the two. I am pretty sure many people could not see the difference.

FiFo (Binance Angel) đŸ‡«đŸ‡·đŸ‡Č🇩, 

How does the SafePal S1 wallet work? How is it better than its competitors? Fr: Comment SafePal S1 fonctionne-t-il ? Pourquoi est-il meilleur que ses concurrents?

Veronica Wong, 

SafePal S1 wallet only communicates with the SafePal App via encrypted QRcode. There is no bluetooth, no WiFi, no NFC or any other radio-frequencies inside the device. To use a SafePal S1 wallet, you will need to download a SafePal app to easily manage your crypto asset. By pairing the S1 device with the SafePal App, you can send, hold, swap, buy, and trade crypto with friction-less experience.

I think these two video clips can vividly illustrate how it works in the daily life scenario.

As for why SafePal is better than other hardware wallets, this is a very big question so I’ll break it down into four parts:

A.Advanced security

SafePal S1 adopts the world-leading security hardware architect, with an EAL 5+ secure element(to keep the private key in a safe and isolated environment), true random number generator(to make sure the private key is uniquely generated) and multiple layers of security sensors(to detect malicious attack and trigger self-erasing mechanism). It is implemented with an air-gapped signing mechanism. All transaction data is transferred via encrypted QR codes between the hardware device and the SafePal App. There is no bluetooth, no WiFi, no NFC or any other radio-frequencies, and thus keeping the private key in a 100% offline environment. On the software level, SafePal is implemented with device authentication, Passphrase and self-erasing mechanism, protecting your crypto from supply chain attacks, radio-frequency attacks, and other attacks. 

More security details can be found here:

B.Powerful features

SafePal S1 needs to be paired with the SafePal App in order to on-board daily transaction functions(because the S1 is 100% offline). With the SafePal S1 being paired with the SafePal App, users are able to send, manage, buy, swap, and trade crypto inside the SafePal wallet without any compromise on the security of the private keys. This provides a high level of convenience to the end-users without the bother to move their crypto between different third-party service providers. A complete set of crypto management services can be found inside the SafePal wallet.

These are the Swap and Binance DEX interfaces in the SafePal wallet.

C.User-friendly design
SafePal S1 is built with a 1.3’ high resolution IPS screen and a D-pad, displaying every detail of your transactions and enabling you to interact with the wallet in the easiest way. Once you receive the wallet, all of the wallet configurations can be done on the device, and you don’t need to plug it into a computer or download any desktop or App to do the initialization. There are more details like this. SafePal S1 is a perfect hardware wallet to choose no matter if you are a beginner, developer, or advanced crypto investor.

D.Accessible and value pricing strategy
SafePal S1 is a hardware wallet with the best specifications and the most accessible pricing strategy(only $39.99). We want to make crypto accessible to everyone. You don’t need to second think about ordering an expensive and cumbersome-to-use hardware anymore.

FiFo (Binance Angel) đŸ‡«đŸ‡·đŸ‡Č🇩,

Traduction : Le Portefeuille SafePal S1 communique uniquement avec l’application SafePal, Ă  travers un QR code cryptĂ©. Il n’y a ni bluetooth, ni Wifi, ni NFC ou une quelconque autre frĂ©quence-radio Ă  l’intĂ©rieur de l’appareil. Afin d’utiliser le portefeuille SafePal S1, Il faut tĂ©lĂ©charger l’application SafePal et gĂ©rer vos actifs cryptos de maniĂšre simple. En l’appareillant Ă  l’application SafePal, vous pouvez envoyer, dĂ©tenir, acheter et Ă©changer des cryptomonnaies sans friction. 
Pourquoi est-il meilleur que ses concurrents ? C’est une question trùs importante, donc je vais essayer de l’expliquer en 4 parties :

A. Sécurité Avancée

SafePal S1 embarque une architecture sĂ©curisĂ©e de classe mondiale, comprenant un Ă©lĂ©ments sĂ©curisĂ© EAL 5+ (Afin de maintenir la clĂ© privĂ©e dans un environnement sĂ©curisĂ© et isolĂ©), un gĂ©nĂ©rateur de nombres alĂ©atoires (afin de s’assurer que la clĂ© privĂ©e est gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©e de maniĂšre unique), ainsi que divers couches de capteurs de sĂ©curitĂ© (afin de dĂ©tecter une attaque malicieuse et dĂ©clencher un mĂ©canisme d’auto suppression). Il y a Ă©galement un mĂ©canisme de signature consistant Ă  isoler physiquement le systĂšme Ă  sĂ©curiser. Toutes les donnĂ©es transactionnelles sont transfĂ©rĂ©es par le biais de QR codes cryptĂ©s entre l’appareil physique et l’application SafePal. Il n’y a ni bluetooth, ni Wifi, ni NFC ou une quelconque autre frĂ©quence-radio, protĂ©geant ainsi la clĂ© privĂ©e dans un environnement 100% hors ligne. Au niveau de logiciel, SafePal vient avec une authentification de l’appareil, une phrase de sĂ©curitĂ©, et un mĂ©canisme d’auto-suppression, protĂ©geant ainsi vos cryptos d’attaques logistiques, Ă  radiofrĂ©quence, ou tout autre type d’attaques.

Vous trouverez plus de détails au sujet de la sécurité ici : :

B. De puissantes caractéristiques

SafePal 1 a besoin d’ĂȘtre appareillĂ© avec l’application SafePal afin de permettre les fonctions transactionnelles journaliĂšres (car le S1 est 100% hors ligne). A travers cet appareillage, les utilisateurs sont en mesure d’envoyer, gĂ©rer, acheter et Ă©changer des cryptomonnaies au sein mĂȘme du portefeuille SafePal, sans aucunement compromettre la sĂ©curitĂ© de la clĂ© privĂ©e. Ceci apporte donc beaucoup d’aisance aux utilisateur finaux, sans avoir Ă  dĂ©placer leurs cryptos entre les diffĂ©rents fournisseurs tiers de services. Toutes les fonctions de gestion crypto sont disponibles au sein du portefeuille SafePal. 

C. Une conception facile Ă  utiliser 

SafePal S1 est construit avec un Ă©cran IPS 1.3 pouces Ă  haute rĂ©solution ainsi qu’un D-pad, affichant chaque dĂ©tail de vos transactions and vous permettant d’interagir avec le portefeuille de la maniĂšre la plus simple. Une fois que vous recevez le portefeuille, toutes les configurations peuvent ĂȘtre rĂ©alisĂ©es sur l’appareil, et vous n’avez pas besoin de le brancher Ă  un ordinateur ou tĂ©lĂ©charger une application pour l’initialiser. Il y a plus de nombreux autres dĂ©tails. SafePal S1 est un parfait portefeuille numĂ©rique physique Ă  choisir, que vous soyez dĂ©butant, intermĂ©diaire ou avancĂ© dans l’investissement dans les cryptomonnaies. 

D. Un prix accessible 

SafePal S1 est un portefeuille physique prĂ©sentant les meilleures caractĂ©ristiques tout en Ă©tant le moins cher ($39.99 seulement). Nous souhaitons rendre les cryptomonnaies accessibles Ă  tous. Vous n’avez plus besoin de rĂ©flĂ©chir avant de commander un appareil Ă  prix Ă©levĂ© ou encombrant.
It’s your baby I can totally feel you 😆. And it is a great explanation. I have discovered the product while preparing the AMA, and I am definitely ordering one 😊

FiFo (Binance Angel) đŸ‡«đŸ‡·đŸ‡Č🇩,

We noticed that the SafePal S1 wallet is so much cheaper than other hardware wallets. Why is that? 
Fr: Nous remarquons que le portefeuille SafePal S1 est bien moins coûteux que ses concurrents ? Pourquoi cela ?

Veronica Wong, 

The value pricing strategy is one of the key focuses when we firstly started to build SafePal. At this stage where crypto adoption is still low, we think it’s important to make hardware wallet accessible and affordable for everyone who wants to protect their crypto asset. Some people might judge that low price is equal to low quality. I think this is a stereotype that is commonly seen in customer psychology. It can be easily proved wrong when we see that Amazon Echo Dot(1st generation) is below $20 and Google Home Mini costs only $39.
Product accessibility is one of the key factors when we think about our product strategy. In our customer survey, we found that 15% of the interviewees said that they don’t want to buy a hardware wallet because they are expensive, and the price of some hardware wallets is even higher than the value of the crypto they own. If these users don’t choose a hardware wallet, it means that they have to compromise their asset security by storing their crypto in software wallets or centralized exchanges. This is an unfair situation.
We entered this market with the mission to make crypto secure, simple, and accessible to everyone. Making the best and affordable hardware wallet is the goal that has been set since day one. Though SafePal S1 costs only $39.99, its security is not compromised in any aspect. We are proud to say that SafePal S1 is the only hardware wallet that can provide the best technical specifications and the best price at the same time in the current market segment.

FiFo (Binance Angel) đŸ‡«đŸ‡·đŸ‡Č🇩, 

Traduction : Lorsque nous avons commencĂ© Ă  construire SafePal, la stratĂ©gie de tarification fut un des points majeurs sur lequel nous nous sommes concentrĂ©s. Aujourd’hui, l’adoption des cryptomonnaies est encore faible, nous pensons donc qu’il est important de proposer un portefeuille numĂ©rique physique accessible Ă  tous ceux qui souhaitent protĂ©ger leurs crypto actifs. Certaines personnes pensent que prix bas Ă©quivaut Ă  basse qualitĂ©. Je pense qu’il s’agit d’un stĂ©rĂ©otype frĂ©quemment aperçu dans la psychologie du consommateur. Le contraire peut facilement ĂȘtre prouvĂ©, lorsque nous voyons qu’Amazon Echo Dot (1ĂšregĂ©nĂ©ration) coĂ»te moins de 20$ et que le Google Home Mini 39$ seulement. 
L’accessibilitĂ© du produit est un des facteurs clĂ©s lorsque nous rĂ©flĂ©chissons Ă  notre stratĂ©gie produit. Notre sondage utilisateur, montre que 15% des personnes interrogĂ©es dĂ©clarent ne pas vouloir acheter de portefeuille physique en raison de leurs prix Ă©levĂ© ou que le prix du portefeuille reprĂ©sente plus que la valeur des cryptomonnaies qu’ils dĂ©tiennent. Si ces utilisateurs n’utilisent pas un portefeuille physique, cela signifie qu’ils compromettent la sĂ©curitĂ© de leurs crypto actifs en les conservant dans des portefeuilles numĂ©riques applicatifs, ou dans des plateformes d’échanges. Il s’agit d’une situation injuste. 

Nous avons pĂ©nĂ©trĂ© ce marchĂ© dans le but de rendre les cryptomonnaies sĂ©curisĂ©es, simples et accessibles Ă  tous. CrĂ©er le meilleur portefeuille physique et les plus accessible est l’objectif principal que nous nous sommes fixĂ©s depuis le 1er jour. Bien que le SafePal S1 ne coute que $39.99, sa sĂ©curitĂ© n’est en aucun cas compromise. Nous sommes fiers de dire que le SafePal S1 est le seul portefeuille numĂ©rique physique, offrant Ă  la fois, les meilleurs spĂ©cificitĂ©s techniques et le meilleur prix dans le segment de marchĂ© actuel.

Veronica Wong,

Actually, a lot of users asked about our pricing strategy. Thanks for giving me the chance to share our thoughts on this topic.

FiFo (Binance Angel) đŸ‡«đŸ‡·đŸ‡Č🇩, 

Thank you very much for all these answers, which I hope, will help our community to better understand your project and product. 
Fr: Merci beaucoup pour toutes ces rĂ©ponses qui, je l’espĂšre, auront aidĂ© notre communautĂ© Ă  mieux comprendre votre projet et votre produit. 
It is time for us to move to our 2nd part of the AMA. We will open the chat so that our users can ask you their questions. You will have to choose 1 of them to answer and we will repeat the process 3 times. It will last for 1-2 minutes per session. 
Fr: Il est temps de passer à la deuxiÚme partie de notre AMA. Nous allons ouvrir le chat afin que nos utilisateurs puissent poser leurs questions. Vous devez en choisir 1 à laquelle vous répondrez et nous répéterons ce processus 3 fois. Cela durera 1-2 minutes par session
Thank you again for all your answers so far
Fr: Merci encore pour toutes ces réponses !

ăŠ—ïž MĂ­t TÆĄ Trader ăŠ—ïž, 

Q: Does the SafePal S1 Wallet team have a training and guidance system for newcomers to cryptocurrency? How do you attract and reach them?

Veronica Wong, 

This is a very good question. Crypto adoption is a major topic that all of the blockchain projects and companies should pay close attention to. We put product accessibility at the top priority when it comes to product design and development. This principle lies deep down in our product philosophy. After SafePal S1 was launched for sale in last May, we have worked with Binance Academy and other blockchain training institutions to bring the know-how of how to securely protect and manage crypto assets to the wider audience. Meanwhile, we have launched the SafePal Academy in this March, aiming to provide useful and easy-to-understand crypto takeaways for the crypto beginners. It is always our major task to provide not just a good product, but also to be the forever promoter of blockchain technology.


Blockchain is a rapidly-changing industry. Can Safepal Wallet’s infrastructure design be promptly changed to be suitable with new blockchain updates?

Veronica Wong, 

Indeed blockchain technology is evolving every day. There is a saying that ‘One day in the blockchain space equals to one year in the human society’. I think this saying vividly shows the fast-pace changing evolution of the blockchain industry. The good thing is that we are already part of it, growing and evolving together. We have kept close attention to the latest updates from the blockchain space, including DeFi, NFT, and asset tokenization. As firm believers of blockchain, we keenly look forward to the future when value flows freely on the blockchain network and everyone at any corner of the world enjoys equal freedom to participate in this ecosystem. Right now we are releasing new updates every 2-3 weeks since our product was unveiled. That’s how we accomplished the integration with 19 blockchains in less than 11 months. In the upcoming next version, we are releasing Defi-related features in the coming August. 

Welcome to stay tuned for our latest update on Twitter!


La sécurité est importante dans les portefeuilles, quelle sécurité offrent-ils à leurs utilisateurs?

FiFo (Binance Angel) đŸ‡«đŸ‡·đŸ‡Č🇩, 

I am translating this one: Security is very important for wallets. What kind of security does SafePal bring to their users/customers?

Veronica Wong, 

Thanks for asking. 
Security is the cornerstone of SafePal, and the most important focus of our product strategy. SafePal is built by a group of hardware and software specialists with over 12 years of cumulation in the industry. We came from traditional industry(hardware, IT industry) and entered the blockchain space with the faith in blockchain technology. We aim to bring the most advanced technology to our users, in the meantime keep everything easy and simple to understand and use.

On SafePal S1, from a hardware perspective, it is built with multiple layers of hardware architect including EAL5+ financial grade secure element, true random number generator, self-destruct mechanism, and more. From a software perspective, we have implemented firmware upgrade authentication, device authentication mechanism, PINcode protection, and more. From the communications perspective, S1 adopts an air-gapped signing mechanism. Users can sign and approve transactions via encrypted QRcode, with no bluetooth, no wifi, no NFC, and no any other radio-frequencies. 

In the coming future, we will continue to hold this strong faith for blockchain and build useful, secure, and accessible products for the masses.

FiFo (Binance Angel) đŸ‡«đŸ‡·đŸ‡Č🇩, 

Thank you so much @Veronica520 for your time and for answering our community’s questions, it was an honor! 🙏
I am sure our Community has enjoyed this moment and they shall not hesitate to join your community and ask further questions.
Fr: Je suis sĂ»r que notre communautĂ© a apprĂ©ciĂ© ce moment et que nos membres n’hĂ©siteront pas Ă  rejoindre votre communautĂ© et y poser les questions qu’ils se poseraient encore.
I wish SafePal all the best in their future endeavors.
Fr: Je vous souhaite le meilleur pour le futur dĂ©veloppement de SafePal 😇

Veronica Wong, 

Thank you. I truly have enjoyed it a lot!
Merci beaucoup!
Wish everyone has a great night. Stay safe and healthy. Good night!
Je souhaite que tout le monde passe une bonne nuit. Restez en sécurité et en bonne santé. Bonne nuit!

FiFo (Binance Angel) đŸ‡«đŸ‡·đŸ‡Č🇩, 

Congratulations to the 3 winners for SafePal S1 Wallet  // FĂ©licitations aux 3 gagnants pour les portefeuilles SafePal S1 :
đŸ„‡ :  @MsKiwi206

đŸ„‡ :  @Nickkiii

đŸ„‡ :  @BboyForteVZLA
Reminder : Please PM @TylerW1 with your details, thank you ! // Avis aux gagnants : Merci de transmettre vos informations à @TylerW1 pour procéder à la distribution, merci!

FiFo (Binance Angel) đŸ‡«đŸ‡·đŸ‡Č🇩, 

Pour rappel, 
Vous pouvez commander un wallet SafePal S1 directement depuis le site internet et obtenir 10% de réduction grùce au code « bnbfr » sur

Profitez-en, il s’agit d’une offre spĂ©ciale pour Binance French 🎉â˜ș

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